For Charities, NGOs and Social Businesses

More than 50% of organisations using sport for development rely on grants as their primary source of income.

Grow and diversify your income by building or integrating social business into your economic model.

Example: Partnering to upskill prospective social entrepreneurs

Together with Kabubu - an award-winning NGO - we launched the Ambassad'Or programme in Paris with support from the Olympic Refuge Foundation. The programme brings refugees and local people together to train and develop new skills via volunteering. Participants receive business training from Yunus Sports Hub that prepares them for a future in entrepreneurship or the job-market.

Example: Social business capacity building

SipaG uses football, street football, and futsal for social impact in marginalized communities throughout the Philippines. Supported by Danone, we provided business training, mentoring, and financing to the SipaG team in 2022 to build their social business capacity. This support has helped the organization explore more sustainable revenue streams whilst growing their impact.